Windows in a Decorative Wall Deliver Insights to Treatment Plant Visitors

Instead of being a barrier, a wall at an Oregon city’s water plant provides scenic value and lets visitors view the treatment process.

Windows in a Decorative Wall Deliver Insights to Treatment Plant Visitors

Looking upstream at the cascading ponds of the water feature and a portion of the 800-foot long wall that separates the park from the Willamette River Water Treatment Plant. The covered observation area of the filter gallery and the open-side meeting room can be seen along the concrete walkway that allows the public to view the information signs mounted in the observation portals.

The Willamette River Water Treatment Plant was built as a long series of buildings in a row, each joined by sections of a wall with creative stone-faced or concrete surfaces.

Despite its nearly 800-foot length and secure appearance, the facility in Wilsonville, Oregon, is widely...

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