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Odor Control + Get AlertsGeomembrane Technologies Inc. (GTI) offers retractable, structurally supported cover systems for tanks at wastewater and water treatment plants.
GTI’s cover system consists of a retractable sheet of plastic-coated fabric tensioned over a series of low-profile aluminum arches.
The covers are typically used at wastewater treatment plants to capture odorous off-gas for removal and treatment.
Water treatment plants often use the covers for blocking sunlight to control algae growth and chlorine usage/DBP formation. The cover fabric is strong and durable, and can be quickly disconnected and easily retracted to access tank internals for maintenance or inspection. Rainwater automatically drains off the cover.
GTI covers have been used for many applications, including:
- Controlling odors
- Blocking sunlight to limit algae growth and/or chlorine loss
- Regulating temperature
- Keeping rainwater out of tanks
- Preventing debris from entering tanks
GTI’s patented cover systems are custom-designed to support local code loads. The cover fabric is UV-protected and extremely resistant to the vapors produced by wastewater and water treatment. It is also available with NSF 61 certification for potable water applications.
Optional cover options include aluminum walkways to divide a large cover into several independently retractable sections, fabric hatches within the cover itself and aluminum hatches located in the walkways to make inspection or sampling easy.
With over 30 years of experience, GTI can custom-build a structurally supported cover for any application. Contact us today to discuss how we can help.
For more information, visit or contact Brent Howe, GTI product line manager, at or 506/449-0993.