Applying Lamella Principles to Grit System Design

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Applying Lamella Principles to Grit System Design

The principles of Stokes Law and surface overflow rate are now commonly applied to grit removal systems. Lamella-type separators have been found to be beneficial due to the space-saving feature of increased settling area in a small footprint. The combination of lamella-type separators and surface overflow based design allow for highly efficient and compact designs. 

A key challenge to successful implementation of the design of these types of systems is ensuring full utilization of the available surface area and managing the impacts of coarse debris such as rags and wipes. When designed properly lamella grit separation can be highly effective with a very small footprint, even in wastewater. 

Download this design sheet to learn how lamella technologies are used in wastewater grit separation, and how to select a system that is easy to maintain and operate and will most effectively protect your treatment plant from grit. 

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