The team in Winooski takes care of wastewater, drinking water and stormwater with four people, a frugal budget, and nearly a century of combined experience.
Joining the U.S. Air Force led Mark Hierholzer to the clean-water industry. It has turned out to be a Hatfield-Award-winning career.
The clean-water profession is in Dale Grudier’s family background. The family approach extends to his leadership of a major collection and treatment system on Long Island.
Rich Mickelsen isn’t content with the way things have always been done. He gives his team members the tools for success, and they respond.
Beauty runs more than skin deep at the Rockfish Creek Water Reclamation Facility as meticulous housekeeping pairs up with excellent maintenance.
Heather Phillips was a consultant who helped design the water resource recovery facility in the Kansas community where she is now operations manager.
A Nebraska city replaces a combined heat and power facility with a gas scrubbing system that yields renewable fuel for vehicles.
Persistent efforts to cut energy consumption yield a statewide energy efficiency award for a regional utility in New Hampshire.
The clean-water facility in West Palm Beach is getting a major upgrade with help from an involved and energized operations team.
Thoughtful planning and operational excellence provide an award-winning combination in Bloomington-Normal, Illinois.