Inside the July 2013 Issue of Treatment Plant Operator

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Ready to Grow Ready to Grow
The team in Courtland, Va., made a transition to a new plant and 5-stage biological process. They’re meeting their permit consistently and are ready for what the future holds.
Idea of the Month Idea of the Month
The Springfield Metro Sanitary District took residents on a driving tour of its newly expanded plant with the same trolleys on which tourists view historic sites.
Worth Noting - July 2013 Pristine Product Pristine Product
A new MBR system meant a learning curve for the Harrison Hot Springs team, but the net result is easier operation and higher-quality effluent.
Culture of Excellence Culture of Excellence
A South Carolina agency balances the demands of wastewater plant operations with customer service, public education and environmental stewardship.
System accurately meters low-pressure wet digester gas System accurately meters low-pressure wet digester gas Product News - July 2013 Product News - July 2013 Pumps, Drives, Valves and Blowers Pumps, Drives, Valves and Blowers Wildlife Paradise Wildlife Paradise
A natural treatment system in Uvalde, Texas, doubles as a nature sanctuary and a magnet for birdwatchers and students.
Figuring Fracking
Just when it seemed like clean-water plants had enough challenges, here comes a new one: Dealing with water from natural gas extraction.
Making the Connection Making the Connection
The Lab Detective traces erroneous wastewater treatment plant influent BOD figures to the presence of heavy metals in the drinking water system.
Industry News - July 2013 Find other useful and timely information on the TPO website The Governor Proclaims ... The Governor Proclaims ...
A Connecticut plant superintendent gets his state’s highest official to proclaim a special day to appreciate wastewater treatment and the people in the profession.
Bright Alternative Bright Alternative
A Colorado treatment plant lab team adopts a method of ammonia measurement and reporting that enhances quality and saves time.
Water Wheels Water Wheels
San Francisco residents tour wastewater facilities on bicycles and learn the value of clean water and the importance of infrastructure.
A Better Way to Aerate A Better Way to Aerate
Operators in New Ulm improve the treatment process and save significant energy with high-efficiency blowers and fine-bubble aeration.
Pumps, Drives, Valves, Blowers Pumps, Drives, Valves, Blowers

Originally in Water System Operator WSO: Water System Operator

Remote but in Control Remote but in Control
Operations team members at the Maryville Water Filtration Plant are proud of producing quality water and the steps they take to keep improving the process.
Worth Noting - July 2013 Buried Treasure Buried Treasure
As an entity that relies on local water sources — not imports — the Mesa Water District takes extra pains to teach about the importance of the resource.
Tenacious Team Tenacious Team
Challenged by storms, plant upgrades and Partnership for Safe Water goals, operators at the Octoraro plant succeed with tenacity and teamwork.
Mercury Rising? Mercury Rising?
The liquid metal sometimes called quicksilver can have detrimental health effects if present in drinking water above levels set by the U.S. EPA.
Riding the Circuit Riding the Circuit
Rick Garloff operates nine small water treatment plants for Tidewater Utilities, but among his biggest accomplishments is work on the company SCADA system.
Projects & Awards - July 2013 Versatile Membranes Versatile Membranes
IntegraPac UF modules from Dow Water & Process Solutions are designed for high performance, low maintenance, and flexibility to treat varied feedwaters.
Looking to the Sun Looking to the Sun
A solar array at the Phoenix water utility reduces consumption of grid power and will help keep water rates stable for 20 years.
Seal-Free Pump Design Handles Challenging Fluids Seal-Free Pump Design Handles Challenging Fluids Product News - July 2013 Product News - July 2013 We Can’t Afford What?
A report shows that utility leaders worry about future funding for water and wastewater systems. On this issue, our society needs to grow up and get with it.
Process Instrumentation and Digital Technology Process Instrumentation and Digital Technology Find other useful and timely information at Process Instrumentation and Digital Technology Process Instrumentation and Digital Technology Industry News - July 2013 Industry News - July 2013 Beating the Gremlins Beating the Gremlins
A UV disinfection system helps a plant meet a provincial disinfection mandate once a remedy is found for electrical voltage fluctuations.