The University of Central Florida water treatment plant delivers a high-quality, reliable supply with long-term vision and a can-do attitude
A Florida utility’s campaign involving homemade videos has residents talking about their unique perspectives on the value of water in their lives.
South Florida water utility uses centrifuges to cut costs and produce dryer cake to meet a new landfill requirement
Also in this week's water and wastewater news, a man in Anaheim, California, is rescued after becoming trapped 300 feet down a manhole
A Florida clean-water plant significantly cuts losses from its chlorine contact chamber by shading it with a low-profile fabric screen that limits heat and UV exposure
A Florida water management district’s grant program has made a substantial impact on students and educators
Also in this week's water and wastewater news, an article by Scientific American explores how water systems nationwide continue to grapple with Cryptosporidium
The Florida operators association developed a voluntary training and certification program in potable reuse as the practice grows and the state develops a new code