Inside the March 2019 Issue of Treatment Plant Operator
‘Calm and collected’ Andrew Hickman helps a rural Nevada water treatment plant produce a decade of violation-free operation while building an award-winning career.
People/Awards; Calendar
They’re all connected. The concept of an expanding water nexus elevates the importance of water and the work of water professionals.
Weirton plant team helps make a positive statement
GritWolf technology is designed to enable efficient capture of small grit particles while also removing FOG from the wastewater stream.
The team at a county water system in North Carolina kept the treatment plant running and customers supplied during and after Hurricane Florence.
A decorative fence at the water treatment plant in Bellingham successfully marries water source protection with artistic beauty
An Ontario treatment plant finds a cost-effective dewatering solution that reduces its natural gas bill substantially.
Extensive water recycling, a diverse energy supply with renewables and clear communication of a sustainability vision set Scottsdale Water apart.
Operators at the Bay County Water Treatment Plant are trained to expect more from themselves. The performance results are evident.
Kevin Zebrowski pushes himself and encourages his team to excel in every area of maintenance in his Northeast Ohio district.
Hatfield Award winner Steve Williams oversees a major treatment plant upgrade while looking to a future of water reuse for his Utah utility district.
An award-winning outreach program in Florida’s Pinellas County teaches students about wastewater treatment, STEM, careers and more.