Chlorination/Dechlorination - Scienco/FAST - a division of BioMicrobics SciCHLOR

SciCHLOR from Scienco/FAST - a division of BioMicrobics is a sodium hypochlorite generator designed to give a large span of markets a safe and effective way to disinfect. With salt, water and electricity, the system with multipass SciCELL Electro-Chemical Activation, or ECA, technology will produce an available supply of 10 to 60 pounds chlorine-equivalent/day sizes. Connected to an incoming water source and with multiple operating modes, the brine solution multipasses through the low-voltage DC electrolytic cell to provide a reliable method for the needs of medium to large onsite disinfection applications. Its recirculation method keeps control of desired chlorine concentration while the assembly minimizes maintenance downtime. With an 800 ppm FAC sample taken from the generator, the solution killed 100 percent of the Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli organisms within 30 seconds, according to the maker. 866-652-4539;


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