Composting Equipment - Roto-Mix Industrial Compost Series

Roto-Mix Industrial Compost Series mixers come with a GeneRation II Staggered Rotor, a rotary design that combines gentle tumbling with quick, complete mixing to ensure rapid decomposition and quality compost. Ingredients are lifted up to the side augers that move the material end to end for a fast, thorough mix. Total movement of material in the mixing chamber eliminates dead spots. The rotor lifts the material past the wedging point of the lower side auger, providing a fluffier mixture while lowering power requirements. A conveyor is used to build windrows or static piles. Mixers are available in 16.7-, 23-, 27.8- and 34.1-cubic-yard capacities as stationary, trailer or truck-mount units. 620-338-0090;


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