Florida Treatment Plant Transitions to Sophisticated Step-Feed Biological Nutrient Removal

Upgrades and automation keep the process running smoothly and effluent in compliance for the operations team in Eustis, Florida.
Florida Treatment Plant Transitions to Sophisticated Step-Feed Biological Nutrient Removal
The Eustis Wastewater Treatment Plant team includes, front row, from left: Bill Johnston, superintendent; and Rick Houben, utility supervisor; second row: Herb McNealy, utility worker III; and Walt Linton, utility foreman; third row: Sophia Swoboda, lab manager; Jim Eaton, utility worker II; and Keith Leflore, environmental compliance inspector; back row: Michael Brundage, operator B; Jerry Johnston, operator B; Cory Savage, operator C; J.D. Styles, operator C; Luther Bodie, lift station operat

The Eustis Wastewater Treatment Plant went online in 1959 with a 1.0 mgd trickling filter process. Fifty-seven years later, it’s a 2.4 mgd facility with sophisticated step-feed biological nutrient removal (BNR) and tertiary filtration; 100 percent of the effluent is reused for...

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