The Best in Grit is Now Even Better: HeadCell Design Improvements

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The Best in Grit is Now Even Better: HeadCell Design Improvements

The HeadCell stacked tray separator was the vanguard in advanced grit separation and remains the gold standard today. Hydro International continuously updates and improves the design to better serve its client’s needs, and is now introducing two new design features available for the HeadCell that have helped to make it even better.

Concrete inlet design extends product life

Throughout wastewater treatment plants, the air/water interface can be very corrosive. Hydro International now offers an inlet duct design that minimizes the exposure of stainless steel components, which reduces the potential for corrosion.

Intermittent fluidizing and intermittent pumping option

Most plants are looking for ways to reduce energy and water consumption. While the HeadCell itself has no electrical requirements, it still requires fluidizing water and pumping to send grit to the washing system. Plants with a wide range between peak and average flows can in some cases operate the fluidizing water intermittently to reduce water usage. While Hydro still recommends continuous grit pumping, the new underflow arrangement provides space to inventory grit, which may allow for intermittent grit pumping.

Download the brochure to learn more about how these new features will benefit your plant, reduce your operating costs, and extend your equipment life.

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