Biodrying Reduces Volume and Hauling Costs of Municipal Biosolids

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Biodrying Reduces Volume and Hauling Costs of Municipal Biosolids

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BDP Industries biodrying systems combine agitation and aeration to create an optimal end-product. With a fully enclosed system, odors and weather impacts are minimized. 

Each process bay is turned and mixed every operating day to maintain pile porosity. While the material is being turned, air is pushed through vented floor pieces designed by BacTee Systems. Continuous aeration aids in the drying process and controlling pile temperatures. 

Biodrying definition: the process by which biodegradable waste is rapidly heated through initial stages of composting to remove moisture from a waste stream and hence reduce its overall weight. In the biodrying process, the drying rates are increased by biological heat in addition to forced aeration (Choi HL,2001).

Biodrying systems from BDP are capable of processing from 5 wtpd to 1,000 wtpd.

Biosolids facility in operation: Shenyang, China

The Shenyang Biosolids and Agricultural Byproducts facility is the largest facility using BDP’s biodrying technology and one of the largest biodrying facilities in the world. This facility utilizes 96 concrete bays that are 10 feet wide by 300 feet long. Eight agitators serve these 96 bays and dry 1,000 wtpd of municipal biosolids with limited amounts of rice hulls and other agricultural byproducts. An extensive network of conveyors are utilized to make this facility completely automated from material receipt through final discharge. 

Fast Facts: 

  • Total facility size: 32 acres
  • Primary material: 360,000 wtpy biosolids
  • Operation time: 7 days per week; 16 hours per day
Compost facility on 30 acres.
Compost facility on 30 acres.

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