Centrifugal Pumps - Griswold Pump Company 811 Series

The 811 Series ANSI centrifugal pump from Griswold Pump Company has an open-impeller design that minimizes concentrated wear by balancing the hydraulic thrust load and reducing stuffing-box pressure, maximizing performance while simplifying maintenance, extending pump life and reducing repair costs. The casing can be constructed of ductile iron, CDM4Cu, Alloy 20 or stainless steel, while a no-bake casing process ensures smooth, precise, superior finishes. The pumps are available in a full range of sizes, with flow rates up to 4,000 gpm and the ability to operate in temperatures up to 500 F. They include self-tightening impellers, the ability to externally adjust the pump’s clearance so that peak efficiency is maintained, and strong power frames. 909/512-1262; www.griswoldpump.com.


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