Pumping Polymers in Dewatering

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Pumping Polymers in Dewatering

Environmental consulting firm Pescador LLC treats groundwater using a niche polymer, polyacrylamide (PAM), to act as a flocculent. 

As one of the steps utilized in Pescador’s process, this polymer attracts organic material, pin‑flocs that float in the solution, to concentrate them as a larger floc, so that dissolved air flotation can push the debris to the surface and it can be skimmed off. 

However, PAM and other polymers challenge traditional pumping systems. Using a diaphragm metering pump, equipment failure plagued Pescador with downtime and high costs. “We had constant maintenance challenges,” recounts plant manager Ryan Wcisel. “They were always clogging up; the dosing wasn’t very accurate — it was a struggle to keep the equipment running optimally.” 

Searching for a better solution to their pumping problems, Pescador contacted Watson-Marlow and decided to trial the Qdos 20 ReNu PU chemical metering pump, dosing 0.015 gph, 24/7.

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