Hydro International’s HeadCell and Grit King grit separation technologies are the cornerstone for the performance of its Advanced Grit Management systems. This video shows how these technologies can work so effectively. In addition to top performance, both systems have key design features that make them much easier to operate and maintain than conventional grit separation technologies.
Key features
- High performance
- Standard HeadCell designs capture 95% of all grit 75 micron and larger
- Standard Grit King designs capture 95% of all grit 75 micron and larger
- All-hydraulic design
- No moving parts or motors required to operate, reduces maintenance costs
- No electrical requirements, reduces energy costs
- Small footprint
- The HeadCell uses stacked trays to maximize surface area in a very small footprint
- The Grit King uses structured flows to augment gravity separation
- Low headloss
- Both systems require less than 1 foot of headloss to power the system
Watch this video to learn how these technologies work so effectively without requiring much of your valuable plant space, electricity, headloss and operator time.
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