A North Texas water utility addresses the retirement wave and operator shortage with an award-winning training program.
In learning his trade, operating water facilities and teaching others, William Leonard never loses sight of his own and his team’s essential purpose.
A Florida water utility reaps multiple rewards by eliminating discharge of concentrate from its membrane filtration treatment process.
The Clayton County Water Authority lab plays a key role in keeping its water reclamation facilities operating in full permit compliance.
A public works director in a small Utah town creates a work environment of opportunity and makes the water supply secure for generations.
The first Mercury astronauts displayed exceptional qualities. What traits define the most proficient and effective water professionals?
While succeeding in her water career, Brianna Huber looks to help expand opportunities for women professionals domestically and worldwide.
Jeff Pearson helps keep the Hawaiian island of Maui supplied with water from a mixture of surface and underground sources.
A contract operations company offers a simplified handbook to help clean-water plant teams use microscopy to diagnose treatment issues.
Transformative technology for water treatment plants can often be deployed quickly, affordably, and without major process disruption.