Joining the U.S. Air Force led Mark Hierholzer to the clean-water industry. It has turned out to be a Hatfield-Award-winning career.
Replacing aging sludge pumps with a low-friction, low-maintenance design keeps a Maine sewerage district’s clean-water plant reliably and efficiently.
An advanced nutrient removal technology saves a plant in northeast Wisconsin from an expensive expansion and brings multiple benefits.
Maintaining your education is important, especially in a career that demands licensing exams. Prove you’re an expert operator by answering these questions and others from our Exam Study Guide Series.
The operations team helped design a new treatment plant and continuously optimize its performance in Springfield, Illinois.
Jim Boyer brings 30 years’ experience in coaching, teaching and mentoring to his role as utility superintendent in Spring Hill.
Cliff Church rebuilt his career from factory work to an award-winning job as reclaim water technician at the clean-water plant in Myrtle Creek, Oregon.