Ensure Mixing Capability with the ProFlex 710TT Valve

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Ensure Mixing Capability with the ProFlex 710TT Valve

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In 1908, Jersey City, New Jersey, was the first city in the United States to begin routine disinfection of community drinking water. Over the next decade, thousands of cities and towns across the U.S. followed suit in routinely disinfecting their drinking water, contributing to a dramatic decrease in disease across the country. Because of these successes, we can celebrate over a century of public drinking water disinfection and treatment.

There are more than 152,000 municipal water systems in the United States and most of these systems rely on water towers and above-ground and below-ground tanks to store their treated potable water. Many operators rely on mixing via normal cycling of water in and out of the tank to limit water age and deterioration of disinfectant chemicals. Reliance on “passive mixing” is not enough in most cases to prevent thermal stratification, which can lead to a drop in residual chlorine and growth of bacteria. When bacteria contamination occurs in a tank, a common response is to set the tank for deep drawdown and in extreme cases, completely drain, flush and refill the tank. Not only is this strategy a waste of water resources, it also raises cost for labor and chemicals.

When continuous mechanical mixing is combined with frequent sampling and periodic chlorine boosting (when needed), water quality is maintained and less disinfectant is required. When a reservoir contains fluids, we must be concerned with “hotspots” — areas of media in a tank or reservoir that have the possibility of becoming stagnant water or media settling in the reservoir.

The ProFlex Style 710TT design

There have been several different products and ideas surrounding the principles of mixing over the years. In 2023, after extended study and engineering, Proco Products patented the ProFlex 710TT. With its patented torsional flow design, the valve provides a unique spinning motion which has never been offered before and is a stand-alone feature. Its operational values require less head pressure and less pump energy, thus saving the client money as well as less time to mix.

To back up the claim of this new system, Proco worked with a large globally recognized test facility and studied the effects of different sizes of valves and their relationship to flow capability versus time to mix. Most potable water mix times are important as the draw of water can be determined by the demand called out by municipalities or even a sudden demand from an emergency such as a residential fire. The ProFlex 710TT has been engineered and designed to provide the very best in times to re-energize a tank to the EPA standards for safe drinking water. 

The designs of the ProFlex 710TT are complete with both horizontal and vertical studies achieved with our ability to provide smaller diameter valves with strategic install locations and documentation to prove these studies. In turn therefore saving the municipalities tax dollars and costly maintenance costs.

See the brochure below to learn more, or visit www.procoproducts.com.

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