A $58 Million Plant Upgrade Sets Kankakee Operators Up for Success

A multiyear, $58 million upgrade program improved performance and efficiency for the Kankakee River Metropolitan Authority and set operators up for success.

A $58 Million Plant Upgrade Sets Kankakee Operators Up for Success

Kankakee team members include, from left: Dustin Scheppler, assistant superintendent of O&M; Mike Dauphin, O&M specialist; Josh Peters, instrument technician; Melanie Gossett, assistant superintendent for technical services; Jack Renchen, lead O&M specialist; Art Strother, plant superintendent; Shawn Malone, O&M specialist; Shaun Ownbey, lead O&M specialist; Nick Scheppler, instrument technician; Kurt Mraz, O&M specialist; and Jennifer Salan, administrative assistant.

If there’s a great before and after story in municipal wastewater treatment, it could be Kankakee, Illinois.

Before 2010, the Kankakee River Metropolitan Agency used aging primary, secondary, and disinfection processes to treat wastewater from the city of Kankakee and the...

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