This Plant Shows How a Versatile Staff Can Keep Things Humming

An experienced and energetic staff and state-of-the-art systems spell excellence for the water system in Plant City, Florida.
This Plant Shows How a Versatile Staff Can Keep Things Humming
The Plant City operations team includes, from left, Patrick Murphy, chief plant operator; Brett Miller, plant operator 1 trainee; Josh Lawson, plant operator 4; Steve Saffels, utilities superintendent; Joel Young, plant operator 2; Zoe Chaiser, compliance coordinator; Wayne Everhart, superintendent of maintenance; and Mark Woodward, water conservation specialist.

The operators at the Plant City Utilities  Operations Division are truly a multi-talented team.

They receive one-on-one training from a dedicated operations trainer when they join the staff. And once up to speed, they rotate from job to job, developing expertise in not only...

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