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Maintenance + Get AlertsAQUABACxt from AQUAFIX is a professional grade, EPA-registered biological larvicide for use against midge flies and the myriad of issues they cause within a plant. It contains a species of bacteria called bacillus thuringiensis, an approved larvicide for controlling red worms and midge flies in wastewater treatment plants and waterways. AQUABACxt can either be poured into the aeration basin or secondary clarifiers, depending on where the red worm problem is. It also works extremely well in UV disinfection chambers. AQUABACxt has also been proven effective against bristle worms (aeolosoma) and water fleas in the field. AQUABACxt contains six complex biological larvicide compounds (endotoxins) that are highly effective against red worms but safe for fish, birds, mammals and other life-forms. With the endotoxins, it is difficult for red worms to build a resistance, giving it an advantage over single endotoxin larvicides.; 888-757-9577