Dairy Operator Turns to GTI for Wastewater Treatment Upgrades

When one of the largest dairy operators in the United States needed assistance with odor control, the company turned to GTI. Not once, but three times.

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Dairy Operator Turns to GTI for Wastewater Treatment Upgrades
Geomembrane Technologies Inc. (GTI) designed and installed a custom membrane floating cover system as part of HP Hood’s wastewater treatment upgrade.

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The customer:
HP Hood LLC is one of the largest dairy operators in the United States with 13 plants across the country. It has been producing high-quality, delicious dairy products for more than 160 years. 

The customer’s needs:
HP Hood’s plant in Winchester, Virginia, was undergoing a planned expansion to its wastewater treatment system to keep pace with consumer demand. The dairy company needed a reliable cover solution for its new anaerobic wastewater treatment system.

The solution:
Geomembrane Technologies Inc. (GTI) designed and installed a custom membrane floating cover system as part of HP Hood’s wastewater treatment upgrade. This cover was custom designed to fit its new anaerobic digester, which treats wastewater from the milk processing facility. GTI also installed process piping inside the digester.

This is the third expansion that GTI has helped facilitate at HP Hood’s Winchester plant. GTI was originally selected to install a gas collection cover system for the dairy company’s anaerobic digester at the turn of the century and, as a result of plant expansion, later returned to install a second cover system. As part of the most recent expansion, HP Hood’s oldest anaerobic digester was converted to a sequencing batch reactor, eliminating the need for one of the three covers. Two GTI covers remain on site and continue to deliver operational savings.

The results:
The GTI cover addresses odor concerns that might arise from the anaerobic treatment of the wastewater. By securely covering the digester with a GTI cover system, HP Hood has taken proactive steps to protect the dairy company’s image in the City of Winchester.

The insulation value of the cover system improves efficiency for the digestion process, which helps the plant meet environmental regulations and reduce costly fines.

In addition to controlling odors and maintaining temperature, the cover also collects biogas, which can be burned in a combustion flare or used on site to help reduce energy costs.

GTI’s versatility was proven throughout this project. From customizing the gas collection cover system, to installing process piping, to performing maintenance on the existing cover system, all the challenges faced were overcome and completed on schedule and on budget.

About GTI
For more information, visit our website at www.gticovers.com or contact us at covers@gticovers.com, 506/452-7304 or 855/484-4630 (toll-free).


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