Q&A: What's the Deal With Wastewater Odor?

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Q&A: What's the Deal With Wastewater Odor?
Covering tanks will reliably prevent diffusion of odor vapors. Escaping odor vapors can be then be contained and evacuated for further treatment.

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Q: What makes wastewater treatment plants stink?

A: Any wastewater treatment process has the potential to generate and release nuisance odors to the surrounding area — especially when tanks and lagoons are left uncovered. These odors can negatively affect your reputation and relationship with the community, as well as the everyday job satisfaction of plant workers.

Foul odors within raw wastewater typically originate from the anaerobic decomposition of organic compounds. A natural byproduct of anaerobic digestion is hydrogen sulfide, which gives off a strong rotten-egg smell. Because of its low solubility in wastewater, it is released into the atmosphere, producing an offensive odor.

Q: How can foul odor be controlled?

A: Geomembrane Technologies Inc. (GTI) is often asked to provide recommendations on how best to control these nuisance odors. There are many odor control technologies in the marketplace, and no one reigning solution exists. We recommend a simple approach: Seal your wastewater treatment tanks/lagoons with a gastight cover solution. Covering these tanks will reliably prevent diffusion of odor vapors. Escaping odor vapors can be contained and evacuated for further treatment.

Q: What options does GTI offer for odor control?

A: GTI offers customized cover solutions to reliably control odors at wastewater treatment plants. We design and install many different cover options to fit tanks, basins and lagoons of any shape or size. Cover options include floating, structurally supported, modular, inflated and dual membrane. GTI’s solutions are made with strong, long-lasting materials to resist tears, punctures, chemicals and UV rays.

More than just odor control

GTI’s solutions provide more than effective odor control. GTI’s covers can:

  • Collect and store valuable biogas
  • Control algae growth
  • Provide thermal protection
  • Lower operating costs

By securely covering tanks/lagoons at your wastewater treatment plant, you can reduce odor complaints from neighbors and create a better working environment for plant operators.

About GTI
For more information, visit our website at www.gticovers.com or contact us at covers@gticovers.com, 506/452-7304 or 855/484-4630.


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