Deep Bed Biofiltration the Answer to Very Low Nitrate Requirements

Deep Bed Biofiltration the Answer to Very Low Nitrate Requirements
The biofilter operates like a regular drinking water filtration unit, but with a few critical differences. Just as in a water filtration system, the water flows into the filter through the washwater troughs, over the trough weirs, and down through the media (both sand and support gravel) to the underdrains. From the underdrains, it is collected to a flume and flows to the clearwell. In the clearwell, which also holds the backwash water, the effluent accumulates until it overflows that channel we

Nitrate (NO3) remains a major concern for surface waters. Nitrate (and phosphate) from fertilizers, wastewater treatment facilities and other sources can lead to hypertrophication and hypoxia in waters, resulting in fish kills and dead zones. 

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