Inside the April 2020 Issue of Treatment Plant Operator
Tim Wilkey’s Hatfield award-winning career took him far and wide, but eventually back to his home state of Iowa.
People/Awards; Events
Getting through to your state or federal legislator is tougher and more confusing than it used to be. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try.
A playback recorder tool for Emerson’s distributed control system helps plant operators troubleshoot events, train team members and capture institutional knowledge.
A campground on a North Carolina clean-water plant site hosts visitors to a music festival and doubles as a disc golf course.
A hydroxyl radical misting system to break down grease buildup is another in a long line of leading-edge technologies at a California facility.
Award-winning achievement at a New Hampshire plant comes from commonsense measures, some as simple as turning off lights when leaving an area.
Continuous self-assessment and improvement steer a Michigan authority’s newest water plant to a Directors Award from the Partnership for Safe Water.
Simple improvements in lagoon aeration are keys to earning a sustainable energy award for small treatment facility in Michigan.
Three utilities celebrate Earth Day in unique ways by partnering with a city, nonprofit and university.