The Devcon R-Flex belt repair kit from ITW Polymers Adhesives North America, formerly ITW Devcon, is formulated to repair tears, gouges and holes in styrene-butadiene rubber heavyweight conveyor belts. Repaired belts can be returned to service 90 minutes after application. Each kit (available in 4-pound and 1.5-pound sizes) includes resin and curing agent, two-part surface conditioner, mix bucket, wooden paddle, scrub pad, gloves, paper towels and plastic spatula. R-Flex has a two-year shelf life. It mixes as a liquid and becomes a non-sagging, self-leveling putty in three to four minutes. Working time is seven to nine minutes. Functional cure is 1.5 hours. 800/933-8266;
Devcon conveyor belt repair kit
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