The AeriGator from Landia breaks through lift station scum, macerating rags and debris while injecting air. With no need for compressors, bottom-mounted diffusers or advanced controls, it is a low-cost, low-energy chopper pump equipped with an ejector system that removes the requirement for vacuum trucks to remove lift station scum. Air (and thus oxygen) is automatically sucked into the ejector and then mixed with the wastewater from which it is pumped, under pressure, into the lift station/tank. No additional chemicals are needed. As well as reduced maintenance costs, its use means less mess for site operators. Manufactured with an external knife system, the chopper pump ensures that the aerator doesn’t get clogged due to contaminants in the wastewater. 919/466-0603;
Mixers/Mixer Components - Landia AeriGator
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