Passersby Mistake This Clean-Water Plant for Something Very Different

From attractive buildings and grounds to clean final effluent, the Crooked Creek Water Reclamation Facility makes award-winning impressions

Passersby Mistake This Clean-Water Plant for Something Very Different

The team at Crooked Creek Water Reclamation Facility includes, from left, Cody Reece, wastewater manager; Marlon Parras, warehouse technician; Joey Foss, instrumentation technician; Joel Craig, wastewater technician; Alexander Defranza, trades technician; Lucy Shuman, intern; Tim Kring, shift supervisor; Kevin Young, trades technician; Alex Head, planner/scheduler; Edward Appiah, wastewater technician; Donald Loggins, trades technician; and David Jones, operations superintendent.

The Crooked Creek Water Reclamation Facility is so well maintained that a visitor once mistook it for something else.

“A lady walked up to the gate by accident, not knowing what the facility was, and said she thought she was at a school,” recalls David Jones, plant...

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