During a Devastating Wildfire, This Water Plant Team Defined Courage and Dedication

Operators put themselves in harm’s way to keep water flowing during the devastating Marshal Fire in Colorado in December 2021

During a Devastating Wildfire, This Water Plant Team Defined Courage and Dedication

The team at Louisville includes, back row, from left, Greg Venette, water treatment superintendent; Glen Siedenburg, Matt Fromandi and Vinnie Wray, water plant operators; Ben Francisco, assistant operations superintendent; and Brian Schmid, operations technician. Front row, Trevor DePew, Chris DePalma, Thoa Pham and Jeff Owens, water plant operators; and Tom Czajka and Shane Mahan, operations technicians.

The Marshal Fire of December 2021 was the most destructive in the history of Colorado. The calamity might have been worse if not for the bravery of team members at the two water treatment plants in Louisville.

As it was, the wind-driven wildfire burned through subdivisions,...

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