Divide and Conquer Describes This Facility's Approach to Reducing Nitrogen and Phosphorus

Innovations including a new and ingenious nutrient-removal process spell consistent success for the operations and maintenance team in Cookeville.

Divide and Conquer Describes This Facility's Approach to Reducing Nitrogen and Phosphorus

The team at the Cookeville Wastewater Treatment Plant includes, from left, Mance Brown, biosolids operator; Tim Henry, maintenance and repair technician; John Buford, assistant superintendent; Tom Graham, superintendent; Ronnie Umbarger, maintenance and repair technician; Bryan Martin, operator trainee; and Glen Kleisely, operator trainee. Not pictured: Barry Turner, engineer.

Divide and conquer is a phrase usually associated with political or military strategy.

It could also describe nutrient removal improvements at the Cookeville (Tennessee) Wastewater Treatment Plant, where operational changes to the oxidation ditches have enabled the plant to meet...

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