Here's a Clever Trick a Kentucky City Is Using to Thaw Out Frozen Water System Components

A cleverly rigged portable kerosene heater helps crews in a Kentucky city deal effectively with freeze-ups in water meters and services.

Here's a Clever Trick a Kentucky City Is Using to Thaw Out Frozen Water System Components

Cynthiana, Kentucky, team members are shown with their specially modified heater (from left): Harley Flack, assistant supervisor; Ron Slade, assistant supervisor of maintenance; and Estill Barnett and Gary Barrett, operators. 

The winter of 2013-14 was brutal, even as far south as Kentucky. The winter of 2017-18 was almost as harsh.

For Ron Slade and the water distribution team in the city of Cynthiana (population 6,500), extreme cold meant freeze-ups in the system and lots of calls from customers. In...

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