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Education/Training + Get AlertsAmerica relies on the water and wastewater infrastructure for ensuring safe, clean water for our families and for protecting our waterways, but the industry resides in obscurity. The public expects to turn on their faucets and not have to think about where their water comes from or where it goes. More concerning is that they complain if the cost of water rises.
It’s time to bring the men and women that support this infrastructure out in the open. After the horror of 9/11, we had a renewed respect for firefighters, policemen, EMTs and other first responders. Imagine New York city after a week or two with no water and no waste treatment. It would be nightmarish.
Water Otter provides continuing education to the industry, but this effort is about campaigning to bring the industry the recognition it deserves and, in the process, educate the public. America needs to appreciate the heroes of water treatment to which they owe their good health.
We are asking America’s corporations — especially those that are suppliers to the industry — to join us in this effort. We’re simply asking that you contribute some percentage of your marketing budget to this effort. Your business uses water, your families enjoy clean water, and you know a constant clean water supply is critical to America. Join us in supporting our operators and educating the public about our unsung water and wastewater heroes, water conservation in our country, and how they can make a difference.
Just think of the real value of converting advertising dollars into support dollars. You’re contributing to the industry that is critical to everything you do and frankly, that’s more valuable than positioning disposable ads in trade journals. We know continuous exposure is important and we’re not advocating that you abandon your advertising strategies, just that you modify them to allocate a portion to giving back and giving forward. In fact, we’d suggest that promoting your participation within your advertising will enhance the reputation of your company and will help spread our effort to promote the industry. Of course, we’ll also be promoting your role.
If you want to participate and support those that support you and your families by providing a reliable source of clean water, contact us at and together let’s team up to drive forward support for this mission-critical industry.