A Florida plant sends all its effluent to reuse and does so at low cost, thanks to innovations in design and operation.
Good was never good enough for the team at Birmingham’s Western Filter Plant. Aiming high has brought a string of awards.
Continuous self-assessment and improvement steer a Michigan authority’s newest water plant to a Directors Award from the Partnership for Safe Water.
The Olivenhain Municipal Water District works in partnership to ensure abundant recycled water for its own residents and for neighboring communities.
Christen Wood followed her heart from lab work into a successful career in operations (and as a musical performer at WEFTEC).
SOPs at Winchester’s water plant give team members a clear road map to effective and efficient operations, maintenance, repairs and safety measures
Sophisticated processes and an experienced operator team keep a small Virginia facility in compliance with tough permit limits
The water treatment team in Louisville, Colorado, thrives on reliable lab information and a new SCADA system to make sound operating decisions.