Bioremediation with Micro-Solve Reduces Solids in ‘Race Track’ Basin

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Bioremediation with Micro-Solve Reduces Solids in ‘Race Track’ Basin

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Problem: The wastewater treatment plant in Hondo, Texas, was becoming overwhelmed with solids in recent years due to outdated equipment and sludge accumulation in its basin, referred to as the “Race Track.”

The basin measures 192 by 77 feet and 7 feet deep, and is designed to hold 814,344 gallons of raw sewage and sludge. The Race Track basin is not a part of the standard wastewater treatment process in Hondo, but instead is being utilized as a secondary digester to help deal with solids. Although recently the the basin had been updated with four new shaft-drive propelled aerators, the area remained overwhelmed as a result of bonded solids and a lack of movement throughout the entire oval basin. The potential for significant digestion was there, but the half circle ends with the designed baffles were still inhibiting proper circulation.

Solution: To reduce the amount of solids in the Race Track, the wastewater team treated it with 40 gallons of Micro-Solve, throughout a 90-day project. Micro-Solve helps ignite nature’s process by releasing trapped nutrients and exponentially increasing the populations of naturally occurring microorganisms to increase the bioremediation process. The process included plenty of wasting, introducing new wastewater, washing down floating solids/mixing and some angle adjustments to the propelled pontoon aerators. 

Result: After 14 weeks, the Hondo wastewater treatment plant experienced reductions in sludge buildup, along with a much-improved overall health of the basin. The color has improved to a light cocoa brown and has a healthy “mossy” smell. Color and aroma are obvious signs of a healthier environment. Micro-Solve climatized the environment to allow for optimal bioremediation.  

The recommended continued dosage for the basin is 5 gallons of Micro-Solve per month to eliminate solids buildup and 10 gallons per month to keep optimal digestion and continue to reduce the sludge blanket.


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