Product Spotlight: New drum screen eliminates maintenance issues

Product Spotlight: New drum screen eliminates maintenance issues
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In the world of wastewater treatment, drum screens are unsung heroes. Their compact design and fully automatic operation make them a reliable choice. But they do have maintenance requirements, such as frequent trunnion wheel replacement and lubrication schedules. Cleaning and making repairs inside the drum itself can also be a dirty, tedious effort.

Duperon solves these issues with the Internally Fed Rotary Drum Screen. The system, which is designed without the use of corrosion-prone trunnion wheels. Instead, the drum rides on a water-lubricated bearing that sits outside of the waste stream. The bearing itself is replaceable at chest level without the need to jack up the drum and work in the waste stream area under the drum. 

“This thoughtful design not only eliminates the difficult and dirty job of replacing trunnion wheels, it also eliminates the need for operators to lubricate the bearing,” says Bryce Funchion, mechanical engineer with Duperon.

 A direct drive system eliminates chains and sprockets and is positioned outside of the wet area to further avoid corrosion. Clogging is minimized with quick release sprayers and an enhanced screen design that is customizable to suit individual treatment needs, including a variety of screen types and openings. In the event maintenance is required, the design includes the option for removable panels for quick access to the inside of the drum. No special tools are needed to access these areas, nor are they needed for the removal and cleaning of sprayers and wear strips. 

In addition to being easy to operate, it also has a flexible design that can be modified onsite to fit the site’s needs when changes happen, according to Mark Turpin, president of Duperon. Water inlet designs are customizable, as well, available on either side of the drum screen, providing options for difficult installation scenarios. 

“Eliminating high maintenance components and designing for ease of maintenance throughout the life of the machine transforms the total cost of ownership and the operator’s experience when working with the product,” says Turpin.

According to Turpin, customers are delighted with the thoughtfulness of the design. “Someone finally listened to their experience and that goes a long way with operators,” he says. “Feedback from the field is that the machine performs well and requires very little operator interaction to continually work properly in varied operating conditions.” 800-383-8479;


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