How to Choose the Best Tank Cover

How will your tank covers be used during normal plant operation? Here's how to ensure you get the best fit.

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How to Choose the Best Tank Cover
GTI’s retractable covers perform the primary function (odor control, algae control, etc.) while still providing quick and easy access to tank internals

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Treatment plants choose to cover tanks for various reasons, including controlling odors, blocking sunlight to reduce algae, minimizing heat loss and preventing debris from entering the tank. But ultimately, plant staff look for the same thing from a cover system: a cover that works as intended while minimizing disruptions to normal work.

Custom-designed cover systems

Geomembrane Technologies Inc. is typically chosen to provide cover systems at a treatment plant because:

  • GTI’s retractable covers perform the primary function (odor control, algae control, etc.) while still providing quick and easy access to tank internals.
  • GTI is very good at "making the covers fit" – that is, customizing the covers to work with the requirements of plant staff, as well as within the physical constraints of a particular tank’s features.

Factors that influence cover design include:

  • Access requirements (full access or specific locations within a tank)
  • Safety during inspection and maintenance
  • Tank openings with irregular shapes
  • Varying wall heights around a tank perimeter
  • Protruding equipment (pipes, ducts, motor drives, valves, instrumentation, etc.)

GTI’s team always asks how the covers will be used as part of normal plant operation before designing the cover systems. Gathering this critical information determines how the site-specific cover should be constructed. The cover design is then customized according to your specifications and preferences, resulting in a cover that is uniquely yours.

Structurally supported covers are custom-designed to support local code loads and can incorporate options such as:

  • Guardrails around covers for increased safety
  • Cover retraction from the most convenient tank edge
  • Cover retraction from two tank edges
  • Inspection/access hatches at key locations
  • Connections for foul-air withdrawal ducts
  • Customized openings to allow removal of large equipment from within tanks
  • Intermediate aluminum walkways to divide cover sections into appropriate lengths for easy retractability

For more information, visit, contact or call 506/449-0993.


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