Hitting The Curveballs

An award-winning Massachusetts plant team creatively tackles challenges ranging from upstream industrial discharges to tightening effluent nitrogen limits.
Hitting The Curveballs
The team at the Attleboro Wastewater Treatment Facility includes, from left, Ernie Hicks, hoisting equipment operator; Tony Diaz, plant repairman; Bill Johnson, head operator; Paul Kennedy, superintendent; Rick Boisse, hoisting equipment operator; Tom Hayes, assistant superintendent; Michael Hills, collection foreman (wearing hat); Kevin Douglas, plant repairman; Kerri Lopes, head operator; John Reed, assistant pretreatment coordinator; Frank Lopes, special motor equipment operator; Diane Belan

“Doing what they need to do, with what they have.” That would be an appropriate tagline for the Attleboro (Mass.) Wastewater Treatment Facility.

Superintendent Paul Kennedy and his staff have used their ingenuity to overcome a number of challenges while operating the treatment...

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